We are pleased to announce that BallSwap (BSP) staking will be available on BitMart Staking starting from May 12, 2021. Through BitMart, every user can stake BSP and earn up to 70%(APY) BSP rewards.
Starting from 2021/05/12, BitMart will begin taking live snapshots of user BSP balances.BSP Staking distribution will be calculated as follows:
BSP generated by each user = Total BSP staking rewards received by BitMart * User BSP holdings ratio.User BSP holdings ratio = Average user BSP holdings / Average total BSP staked by BitMart.
The initial distribution of BSP staking rewards will be calculated each month, the first session is from 2021/05/12 to 2021/05/31, with the total amount distributed equally to the staking rewards accrued during the period.BSP rewards are calculated daily and distributed monthly. Distributions will be completed before the 9th of each month. Move your coins to BitMart from anywhere and enjoy hassle-free staking rewards.